Make It Better, May-June 2017 — When David Catlin was creating Lookingglass Theatre’s stage version of “Moby Dick,” a sentence in the first chapter of Herman Melville’s novel jumped out at him. The narrator (that fellow who introduces himself by saying, “Call me Ishmael”) remarks: “I cannot tell why it was exactly that those stage managers,… Continue reading Lookingglass Theatre’s Reimagined ‘Moby Dick’: Interview with David Catlin
Tag: lookingglass
Play review: ‘In the Garden: A Darwinian Love Story’
Make It Better magazine, April 1, 2014 — Charles Darwin shocked the world with his theory of evolution 155 years ago, and people are still arguing about it. These impassioned discussions began right inside Darwin’s home, a story that playwright Sara Gmitter imagines in her new drama… Read my review in Make It Better.