Articles on Law & Lawyers


ABA Journal
Holistic crisis management: Lawyers step in to solve problems, large and small
University of Chicago Law School celebrates Earl Dickerson’s legacy as a civil rights lawyer and activist
Lawsuits aim to put iconic folk songs back in the public domain (behind paywall)

Chicago Sun-Times
F. Lee Bailey Q&A

Leading Lawyers
The father and daughter lawyers behind Pac-Man and Beanie Babies

Chicago Lawyer (articles behind paywall)
Lawyers still practicing into their 80s: Harry Rosenberg, Gilbert Feldman, Jack M. Siegel, Bernard J. Nussbaum, Thomas P. Sullivan and Newton Minow
Where do midsize IP firms exist in the legal world?
Stephanie A. Scharf spends career practicing law and studying the profession
Lawyers on Twitter Warren D. Wolfson, legal poet
Michael Y. Scudder Jr., former White House lawyer

More articles on the law and lawyers.

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